LT Bar and Grill NYC New Years Eve

Cheapest Cash Bar in Times Square

Tickets for LT Bar and Grill NYC New Years Eve 2025 are currently not on sale.

Visit to view the hottest New York New Year’s Eve Parties in Times Square. With events for all budgets, ages and tastes, you will find the perfect New Years Eve experience.

If you have any questions feel free to call us at 212.201.0735 or Contact Us.

The countdown to midnight has already started. Where will you be at Midnight?

About LT Bar and Grill NYC New Years Eve on December 31 (PAST EVENT)

Looking to celebrate NYE in the heart of midtown? Want to be close to all the action in Times Square, and enjoy a laid back, fun, festive New Year's Eve Party?  Then New Year's Eve 2016 at LT Bar & Grill is for you!  

Situated in the heart of midtown near Manhattan's iconic Bryant Park, enjoy hand-crafted cocktails, wine, and a selection of over 30 beers. This former bank, best known as Nikola Tesla's former laboratory, embraces the building's deep history through restored white marble walls, custom ironwork, and handsome tin ceilings. LT Bar and Grill is the epitomy of rich history and signature New York elegance. 

For a festive yet laid back, fun-filled New Year's Eve, LT Bar & Grill in Midtown is the place to be!